
音标: 英 [ˌʌn'nɜ:v] 美 [ʌnˈnɜ:v]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


vt. 使失去勇气, 使胆怯, 使不能自制
[医] 除神经

v disturb the composure of


1. Why is she staring? It's very unnerving.

她为什么瞪着我 怪吓人的

2. You can't deny the resemblance is unnerving.


3. I don't know why people aren't unnerved by it.


4. This little girl has me completely unnerved.

面对这姑娘 我总是无比气馁

5. Wow, that's clever, and a little unnerving.

太巧妙了 还让人有点紧张

6. While your tone was unnerving, your words were enlightening.

虽然你的语气很疲惫 你的话很有启发性

7. It was also unhinged and incomprehensible and all in all very unnerving.

同时还精神错乱 令人费解 总之很让人不安

8. There was a domineering element to the sex, which unnerved me.


9. I mean, we did have a moment that was a little unnerving.

不过 我们还是遇到了点小麻烦

10. It unnerves our foes and it satisfies my lust for victory.

那让我们的敌人胆战心惊 而这恰恰满足我的求胜欲
