
音标: 英 [ˌserɪbrəʊ'spaɪnəl] 美 [ˌserəbroʊ'spaɪnəl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 脑脊髓的
[医] 脑脊髓的

a. of or relating to the brain and spinal cord


1. It was attracted to the glucose in your cerebrospinal fluid.


2. There are traces of cerebrospinal fluid in his ears and nose.


3. The worm's cyst is the same density as the cerebrospinal fluid.


4. I think we have a winner. It's multiplying, taking them on in cerebrospinal fluid.

看来成功了 开始繁殖了 正在脑脊髓液中与它们搏斗

5. This attacks the cerebrospinal fluid, strangling the brain stem.

这会攻击脑脊液 抑制脑干

6. I doubt you would find a brain oozing cerebrospinal fluid attractive.

你觉得流脑脊液的大脑有魅力 我表示怀疑

7. Her cerebrospinal fluid practically came out on the rocks with a lemon twist.

她的脑脊髓液 基本上就是威士忌加冰加柠檬片

8. And even a few drops of blood or xanthochromia in the cerebrospinal fluid, it's a bleed.

如果其中有血或验出黄变症的话 我们就能确定是脑出血了

9. We're flooding your hypothalamus with hydrogel, it mimics cerebrospinal fluid almost flawlessly.

我们在把水凝胶注入你的下丘脑 它能非常完美地模拟脑脊髓液

10. Your cerebrospinal fluid is leaking into your nasal cavity because of a *all cranial fracture.

因为一处轻微的颅骨骨折 你的脑脊液 正在漏向你的鼻腔
