
音标: 英 ['kɒstju:mɪŋ] 美 ['kɒstju:mɪŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 衣料, 服装

v dress in a costume
v furnish with costumes; as for a film or play


1. Steven had a number of people from the movie dress up in giant costumes a rabbit costume, a mouse costume.

史蒂文让电影里的一群人 穿着巨大的玩偶服 有兔子服 有老鼠服

2. Press will be there, so, please, if you are coming, wear a sexy costume, unless you're not sexy, in which case, wear a costume which will cover whatever your problem areas are.

还会有媒体 所以拜托 如果你们要来 穿上性感的衣服 除非你不性感 若是这样 请穿上一件 能够遮住你问题部位的衣服

3. But your your costume and your your voice.


4. I'll be chopping off more than costumes.


5. So, our costumes have to be professional.


6. No, you're a crook in a new costume.

不 你不过是个衣着光鲜的坏蛋

7. I married you, not some freak in a costume.

我娶得是你 而不是乔装打扮的怪物

8. I can't wear the costume, not in court.

我不能穿戏服 不能在法庭上穿

9. You know, with the skit and the costume.

用你牛叉的剧情 还有你这身打扮

10. So I get him in the costume and into the limo.

所以我给他穿好衣服 塞进车里
