
音标: 英 [i.læs'tisiti]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 弹力, 弹性
[化] 弹性

n. the tendency of a body to return to its original shape after it has been stretched or compressed


1. You carry on doing that, it becomes really elastic.

你搅拌到位 面糊就会变得非常有弹性

2. This is the bit which gives it its strength and its elasticity.


3. It's not very pleasant on its own, kind of warty and...elastic.

单独的麸质可不怎么好看 疙疙瘩瘩的 还有伸缩性

4. She is a hurricane of vim and vigor and elastic skin.

她是一股活力和精力的飓风 皮肤吹弹可破

5. These are the guys who ruined the elastic in my underwear growing up.


6. So the air, like this spring, is extremely elastic.

空气就像这个弹簧 非常有弹性

7. That's because my skin had got thinner and lost its elasticity with age.

那是因为我的皮肤变薄了 衰老也使其丧失了弹性

8. Believe me, I have become quite a fan of the elastic waistband.

相信我 我已经成了松紧带裤子的忠实粉丝

9. Bleeding, salt of wormwood, ammoniac, to increase the elasticity.

放血 苦艾盐 氨草胶 以增加弹性

10. Place it over your nose and mouth, and then secure it with the elastic band.

让它盖住您的鼻口 然后用橡皮筋把它固定好
