
音标: 英 [trɪp] 美 [trɪp]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 旅行, 绊倒, 摔倒, 失足, 差错, 旅程
vt. 使跌倒, 使犯错, 使失败
vi. 轻快地走, 绊倒, 失误, 犯错, 结巴, 旅行, 远足

n. a journey for some purpose (usually including the return)
n. a hallucinatory experience induced by drugs
n. an exciting or stimulating experience
n. a light or nimble tread


1. I'm tripping on mushrooms, and I'm having a bad trip.

我吃了致幻蘑菇 感觉不太好

2. It was a firstclass trip, very fancy trip.

是头等舱的票 非常奢华

3. I was on a school field trip, and I tripped over my own feet.

我本来在参加野外考察 结果自己绊倒了

4. If I'm gonna trip, I want to trip here, man.

如果我想爽一把 我想在这里抽

5. I would have tripped over you if you had been here.


6. And that's what this trip is all about that.


7. I'm sure if they want to take a trip, they'll take a trip.

如果他们想去旅行 他们会去的

8. It's a long trip, but if it works out, it's the last long trip we have to make.

虽然路途遥远 但如果行得通 这会是我们最后一次长途跋涉

9. Anything fits. If you're tripping off on some trip, anything fits, you know.

没任何符合的 如果你还要旅行 就没任何符合的

10. Because what creates traffic is not the number of cars, but the number of trips and the length of trips.

因为造成交通拥堵的不是汽车数量 而是出行的人次和距离
