
音标: 英 [ˈeɡi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 含有(打过的)蛋的; 有蛋的味道的


1. Your reign of eggying our holes is over, woman.

你用蛋填补我们洞的时代已经结束了 女人

2. He'd... he'd spell out my age in eggy bread.


3. I'm all eggy now. It's gonna attract snakes.

我全身都是蛋腥味 会引来蛇的

4. I have to take a series of these fertility shots to get me all eggy, but I need a partner to help me with the injections.

我需要打一些促卵激素 让我排卵 但我需要一个搭档帮我打针

5. Well, I mean, he would very occasionally lean over the sink to open the window if the drains got eggy.

如果下水道返臭味 他也会偶尔 靠着水槽 打开窗户

6. Oh, we just whipped up a little breakfast of toast, bacon, sausage, ham steak, freshly squeezed juice, and eggy in the hole.

我们只是赶着做了些早餐 有吐司 培根 香肠 火腿扒 鲜榨果汁 面包洞加蛋

7. Because I have used all the tools in my fantastic box, and he's, like, protected from the mother on high of all encryption packages and a secure server, plus an ip scrambler, which is not like the warm, eggy kind but the computery kind.

我已经用上宝箱里的全部工具 可他简直是 防护得刀枪不入 有加密包 安全服务器 以及IP地址干扰[炒蛋]器 不是居家温馨炒鸡蛋 是电脑术语干扰
