
音标: 英 [ʌnˈdɪgnɪfaɪd] 美 [ʌnˈdɪɡnəˌfaɪd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 不庄严的, 无尊严的

a. lacking dignity


1. You should play it cool, because all of this is... undignified.

你得淡定点 因为你这样 太尴尬了

2. Obviously not in one go, that would be undignified.

当然不是一口气喝干 那样太不像话了

3. A mama shouldn't have to holler for help. It's undignified.

妈妈不应该叫女儿来帮忙 太不体面了

4. Lassa fever is a very undignified way to go.


5. No matter how undignified I sound, I want my job back.

也不管什么尊嚴了 我想回來工作

6. ..It's undignified to hold on to the sleeve of someone who wants to leave.

人家都想走了 你还紧抓着衣袖不放 挺不体面的

7. I think the thing is, that in Italy it's unmanly and undignified to tow something.

我觉得吧 在意大利装拖车 来拖东西 是很不意大利的

8. I join you on the bridge, and you got this big dumb *ile plastered all over your face totally undignified.

我登上舰桥 与你并肩而立 看到你脸上洋溢着傻憨憨的笑容 毫无艇长的威严
