
音标: 英 [vəˈluə] 美 [vəˈlʊr]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 天鹅绒, 拉绒织物, 丝绒

n. heavy fabric that resembles velvet


1. I'm closing up and changing into my velour tracksuit.


2. Like you ending up in a velour tracksuit.


3. I'm thinking all white, velour sweat suit.


4. And yet she thought a purple velour tracksuit was a good idea.

但她觉得紫色丝绒运动服 是个好主意

5. And with that, the best night of my life had officially become a kissless, velour nightmare.

就是这样 我这辈子最棒的夜晚 正式成为了没有亲亲的天鹅绒恶梦

6. Oh, I wish I could be more like you, just rolling around in velour every day.

真希望我更像你 每天在天鹅绒里打滚

7. And you got to wear something seductive, so go to the mall, and buy the first velour clothing you see.

你要穿件有吸引力的衣服 去商场 买下看到的第一件天鹅绒衣服

8. Yeah, I got them in a carpool with what'shername, that mom with the husky kid that always wears the velour tracksuits.

我找了个拼车的女家长 叫什么来着 她孩子声音很沙哑 总穿一身天鹅绒运动服
