
音标: 英 [dɪs'tɪl] 美 [dɪˈstɪl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


vt. 蒸馏
vi. 滴下

v. undergo the process of distillation
v. extract by the process of distillation
v. give off (a liquid)


1. Now, from all this, I distilled the characteristics of leaders who are thriving and what they do differently, and then I also distilled the preparation practices that enable people to grow to their potential.

从这之中 我分析出活跃领袖的特质 以及他们做了什么不同的事 后来我也分析了 能促使人们发挥潜力的准备措施

2. Something that distills who I am as a person.


3. And I've just compiled it all, so this is all distilled action.

我刚把图像都编辑好 这些都是精选出来的

4. And that's my locally distilled rose water.


5. Honestly, it's hard to distill it down to a moment.

说实话 很难精选出一个时刻

6. We curate our identity, carve it, distill it.


7. This isn't a love potion. It's my distilled pheromones.

这不是爱情魔药 这是我的蒸馏信息素

8. I distilled a highly fermented, potent suspension.

我蒸馏高度发酵酒 强力的悬浮液

9. Darling, we've run out of distilled water for the humidifier.

亲爱的 加湿器用的蒸馏水没有了

10. Distilled for the eradication of seemingly incurable sadness.

