
音标: 英 [ə'pɒθəkərɪ] 美 [əˈpɑθɪˌkɛrɪ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 药剂师, 药房
[医] 药剂员; 药店

n a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs


1. ...and I would like to thank you for making me your apothecary of choice.

我想谢谢你 选择了我作为你的药剂师

2. An apothecary will serve your needs quite adequately.


3. I'll need to go to the apothecary, get some laudanum and things.

我得去一下药剂师那里 买些鸦片酊之类的

4. Return to my apothecary, where I have all I need to treat you, should you survive your next encounter.

回去我的药剂师那里 在那里我有可以治疗你的东西 这样你就能够活到下次的碰面

5. Rosa gallica officinalis was once grown by apothecaries who believed it had medicinal benefits.

法国玫瑰曾经由药剂师种植 他们相信这种玫瑰具有医药价值

6. It's just this little gift shop in a strip mall, but if it's really an apothecary, they had drugs.

那是沿公路商业区的一家小礼品店 但如果那真是药店 那就有药

7. You also dragged the apothecary into the street, pulled down his pants and thrashed his arse with a belt.

你还把药剂师拖到街上 拉下他的裤子 用皮带抽打他的*

8. Three poisons were used to kill the child, two of them readily available from the apothecaries.

有三种毒药被用来杀孩子 其中两种能很容易地从药剂师那里拿到
