
音标: 英 ['hændkrɑ:ft] 美 ['hændkræft]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


vt. 用手工造

v. make something by hand


1. Handcrafted, not cheap like the ones at the pub.

纯手工制作 和酒吧里那种廉价材质不同

2. Our artis* salsas are all handcrafted from natural, organic ingredients.

我们家的手工莎莎酱 全部是由天然有机的原料手工加工而成

3. Handcrafted weapons, homemade bullets used in homicides.


4. And when the recession hit, nobody would buy an handcrafted furniture.

受到??衰退的影? ?人再?手工制作的家具

5. You see, each card was painstakingly handcrafted by an international team of artisans.

每张卡都是由一群国际艺术家 费心手工制造的

6. This *artypants had a much *aller version handcrafted from Italy to fit our space.

这个聪明蛋弄了一个从意大利 制造的小模型 装到了我们的房子里

7. On our show, we were always going to handcraft a personalized memento for the new homeowner.

我们在节目中总是会为房屋的新主人 手工做一件工艺品

8. Each object in here is handcrafted by myself as a cherished tribute to a friend or family member who died from the virus.

这里每一样东西都是我亲手做的 都是献给死于病毒的 朋友或家人的珍贵礼物

9. Anyway, I got an online following, and it wasn't paying the bills, so I started to make these handcrafted miniatures.

总之 我在网上集结了粉丝 但不够付账 所以我开始做这些手工模型

10. Well, as you know, I'm my cell block's distributor of fine handcrafted prison wines and spirits since 2004.

你也知道 从2004年起 我就负责分销 我们牢房的高级手工酿造葡萄酒 还有雪碧
