
单词 multiloquence
释义 multiloquence rare.|mʌlˈtɪləkwəns|
[ad. late L. multiloquentia: see multi- and loquency.]
Much speaking; talkativeness; use of many words.
1760‘J. Copywell’ [W. Woty] Shrubs of Parnassus 147 Where Clamour wages war with Sense, And Oratory centres in Multiloquence.1846Worcester (citing J. Q. Adams).1893Temple Bar XCVII. 625 He would invariably flounder astray in his own multiloquence.
So mulˈtiloquent [cf. loquent], multiˈloquious (whence multiˈloquiousness), mulˈtiloquous [L. multiloqu-us] adjs., given to much talking, talkative; mulˈtiloquy [L. multiloqui-um] = multiloquence.
1656Blount Glossogr., *Multiloquent, full of speech, that hath many words.1891S. Mostyn Curatica 77 He ventured more than once to silence even the multiloquent Babbleton.
1640Quarles Enchir. (1641) ii. xxvi, With three sorts of men enter no serious friendship: The Ingratefull man; the *Multiloquious man; the Coward.
1727Bailey vol. II, *Multiloquiousness, talkativeness.1658Phillips.
1664New Haven Col. Rev. (1858) II. 530 In your large scedule and *multiloquous penings.
1542Becon Pathw. Prayer xxxiii, Yt *multiloquie & manner of bablyng in prayers, which the Ethnickes & Infidels dyd vse.1677Gale Crt. Gentiles iii. 205 In Battologie there are two vices, (1) vain repetition of the same words, (2) Multiloquie or much speaking.1700J. A. Astry tr. Saavedra-Faxardo I. 81 Multiloquy makes their Words unregarded.1721Bailey, Multiloquy, talkativeness.

