
单词 predicative
释义 predicative, a.|prɪˈdɪkətɪv, ˈprɛdɪkeɪtɪv|
[ad. L. prædicātīv-us: see predicate v. and -ive; cf. F. prédicatif, -ive.]
1. a. Having the quality of predicating, affirming, or asserting; of, pertaining to, or constituting a predicate. Also ellipt. as n.
1846Proc. Philol. Soc. III. 10 Thus the formation called the casus substitutivus, answering to the nuncupativus or predicative case of the Finnish and Lappish grammarians, may be employed either as an adverb or the stem of a verb.1860Max Müller Chips (1880) I. xv. 358 Words which always conveyed a predicative meaning.1885J. Fitzgerald tr. Schultze's Fetichism vi. §7 These things are all predicative of the blue vault above our heads.1892Westcott Gospel of Life 103 The Divine names which are proper to the Shemitic languages are predicative and moral.1914O. Jespersen Mod. Eng. Gram. II. xiv. 330 As a rule words that can be used as adjuncts (pre-adjuncts) can also be used in the same form as predicatives.1925E. Kruisinga Handbk. Present-Day Eng. (ed. 4) II. i. 235 Predicative Participles... The simple present participle is very frequently used with the copula to be, to form what is called the progressive.1925Grattan & Gurrey Our Living Lang. xxi. 129 The following typical examples of Qualifiers and Predicatives.1930in J. T. Hatfield et al. Curme Vol. Ling. Stud. 46 A noun or pronoun in the subjective case may take a great variety of predicative cases.1932Eng. Stud. XIV. 129 By starting from the full meaning of the finite (or as it is now called: predicative) member of the group, the author compels us to look for a discussion of the progressive, perfect, etc., in the sections on to be, to have, etc.1932W. L. Graff Lang. ix. 328 If we emphasize the relationship of the referential parts to one another, it is noted that the Greenlandic sentence consists of a noun and its attributes, whereas the English one is formed by a subject and its predicate. Hence the further division into attributive or possessive languages and predicative ones.1933O. Jespersen Syst. Gram. 25 Some languages have a special case, or even two special cases in which predicatives are put: shall we say that ‘a teacher’ is in the ‘predicative’ case in ‘he is a teacher’ and in the ‘illative’ in ‘he became a teacher’?1942R. W. Zandvoort in Eng. Stud. XXIV. 2 Only 10 of these [sc. forms of to do] are finite (predicative) forms..; the rest are non-finite (non-predicative).1959M. Schlauch Eng. Lang. in Mod. Times viii. 230 He [sc. Deutschbein] contrasts especially the predicative sentence, which may be complicated but is apprehended as an organic whole..and the attributive sentence.1966Eng. Stud. XLVII. 50 A discussion of intransitive verbs combined with a predicative ‘apposition’ (e.g. he died young; he died an admiral).
b. In various special collocations, as predicative clause, predicative syntagm, etc.; predicative adjunct, predicative appositive = object complement s.v. object n. 7.
1963Predicative adjunct [see object n. 7].1963F. T. Visser Hist. Syntax Eng. Lang. I. ii. 182 Syntactical units of the type..‘he died a martyr’ consist of a subject, a predicate in the form of an intransitive verb, and an adjunct (called ‘predicative adjunct’ in this study)... Jespersen uses the term ‘quasi-predicate’; Curme the term ‘predicative appositive’ and F. T. Wood..the term ‘pseudo-complement’.1964E. Palmer tr. Martinet's Elem. Gen. Linguistics iv. 116 The syntagm il y avait..is not autonomous but independent. We shall call it a predicative syntagm.Ibid. 119 The predicate comprises a predicative moneme, accompanied or not by modifiers. The predicative moneme is the element around which the sentence is organized, the other constituent elements marking their function by reference to it.1965Language XLI. 136 What Saxmatov called ‘predicative-attributive relations’.1966Eng. Stud. XLVII. 50 Intransitive verbs combined with a predicative ‘apposition’ (e.g. he died young..). I should prefer this term to Visser's ‘predicative adjunct’.Ibid. 262 It is permissible to..speak of subject clause, predicate clause, predicative clause.
2. = predicatory a. 1. rare.
1870Swinburne Let. 19 Feb. (1959) II. 98, I trust you [sc. D. G. Rossetti] to ‘cut close and deep’.. if you find anything to pare away of the spouting or drawing, vociferous or predicative kind.
3. Logic. Of a function: of order only one greater than that of its argument of greatest order.
1906B. Russell in Proc. London Math. Soc. IV. 34 Norms..which do not define classes I propose to call non-predicative; those which do define classes I shall call predicative.1910Whitehead & Russell Principia Math. I. ii. 56 We will define a function of one variable as predicative when it is of the next order above that of its argument, i.e. of the lowest order compatible with its having that argument.1936Mind XLV. 498 The axiom of reducibility is adopted in P[rincipia] M[athematica]. This axiom moderates the second part of the theory by asserting that for every propositional function there is a formally equivalent one which is predicative, i.e., has the lowest order compatible with its type.1969Feys & Fitch Dict. Symbols Math. Logic v. 91 A property, of order only one greater than the order of what it applies to, is called by Russell a predicative property.
Hence predicatively adv., as a predicate.
1875Whitney Life Lang. xii. 233 One step from nouns used predicatively.Ibid. 243. 1895 Proc. 14th Conv. Instruct. Deaf 81 A noun or pronoun used predicatively is in the nominative case.

