
单词 oxhide
释义 ˈox-hide, ˈoxhide
The skin of an ox.
c1470Henryson Mor. Fab. x. (Fox & Wolf) xiii, The wolf will not forgif the ane ox hide.1497Naval Acc. Hen. VII (1896) 229 An Oxe hyde all Redie coryed & Tanned.1640–1Kirkcudbr. War-Comm. Min. Bk. (1855) 148 That the best ox hyde be sold for viij merks, and inferior sorts of oxen hydes for v libs., vij merks.1887Bowen Virg. æneid i. 367 They..Bought such measure of land as an oxhide measures.
attrib.1848Buckley Iliad 67 He drew together the notch of the arrow and the ox-hide string.
erron. ‘A measure of land, as much as could be encircled by a hide cut into narrow strips’ (Simmonds Dict. Trade 1858: so in mod. Dicts.).
(An error arising from confusion of hide n.1 with hide2.)

