
单词 inyet
释义 inˈyet, v. Obs.
In 4–6 inȝet(t.
[f. in-1 + yet v. to pour.]
trans. To pour in, infuse. Hence inˈyetting vbl. n., infusion.
c1340Hampole Prose Tr. 3 This name Ihesu..inȝettes savoure of heuenly thynges.Ibid. 4 Sothely þay sall joye now be in-ȝettynge of grace.c1400Prymer in Maskell Mon. Rit. II. 108 God, that..inȝettist ȝiftis of charite to the hertis of thi feithful seruauntis.1513Douglas æneis vii. vii. 30 Sone as the first infectioun..inȝet quietlie had sche.

