
单词 nomination
释义 nomination|nɒmɪˈneɪʃən|
Also 5 nomynacioun, 6 -ion, 5–6 nominacion, 6 -atioun.
[a. OF. nominacion, -ation (1305), or ad. L. nōminātiōn-em, n. of action f. nōmināre to nominate.]
a. The action of mentioning by name. Obs.
1425Rolls of Parlt. IV. 269/2 To yat blode and armes was drawen ye nomination of him above all othyr Erles.c1425Found. St. Bartholomew's (E.E.T.S.) 21 At the nomynacioun of the glorious Apostle, the same fyre semyd to suffre violence.1563Foxe A. & M. 1357/2 To put your hand to your head, and at the nomination..of the Popes holynesse vncouer the same.1623T. Ailesbury Serm. 49 Christian eares would be offended at the nomination of those things that are done in secret.1665Intelligencer No. 80 in Willis & Clark Cambr. (1886) I. 621 That great and wise Prelate..is so well known, that the sole nomination of the Founder is a sufficient accompt of the elegance..of the Foundation.
b. The action of naming, specifying, or appointing; the fact of being appointed. Obs. rare.
1594Shakes. Rich. III, iii. iv. 5 Buck. Is all things ready for the Royall time? Darb. It is, and wants but nomination. Ely. Tomorrow then I judge the happie day.c1710C. Fiennes Diary (1888) 141 When plaite was in nomination to pay a tax, ye Earle..sold it all.1753Richardson Grandison VI. xxx, The nomination of a day.
2. a. The action (or right) of appointing a person by name to some office or duty; in early use spec. of ecclesiastical appointments.
1454Rolls of Parlt. V. 253/2 Nominations of Abbays, Prioryes, Hospitals, Churches.1491Act 7 Hen. VII, c. 19 The same Griseld at the nominacion and desire of the same late Cardynall therof enfeoffed Laurence late Bisshoppe of Duram.1539Act 31 Hen. VIII, c. 13 §2 All the..advousons, nominacions, patronages, annuityes..and other hereditamentes whatsoeuer.1573G. Harvey Letter-bk. (Camden) 3 After nine was the congregation for the nomination.1601Ld. Mountjoy Let. in Moryson Itin. (1617) ii. 122 To informe you that Sir Hen. Dockwra hath had greater favour in the nomination of Captaines then he.1699Bentley Phal. 377 If I might have the Nomination, it should be He.1726Ayliffe Parergon 91 In England the King has the Nomination of an Archbishop; and after such Nomination, he sends..to the Dean and Chapter, to elect the Person thus named by him.1758J. S. Le Drau's Observ. Surg. Introd. (1771) p. v, The Honour conferred upon me by his Majesty's Nomination.1856Froude Hist. Eng. (1858) II. vi. 3 He had absolute power over every nomination to an English benefice.
attrib.1863H. Cox Instit. i. viii. 108 Mr. Pitt took the opportunity of abolishing many of the smaller nomination boroughs.
b. The action of proposing as a candidate, or as a suitable person to be elected.
1601[see nominate v. 4 b].1857Toulmin Smith Parish 171 Otherwise, the election is at an end with the act of secret nomination.1861Illustr. Lond. News 17 Aug. 153/3 On Tuesday the nomination of a member for South Lancashire took place at Newton. The show of hands..was declared to be in favour of..the Conservative candidate.
3. a. The fact or position of being nominated. Freq. in phrase in nomination.
1494Fabyan Chron. vii. 361 The best of the cytie gaue the nominacion vnto Aleyn Sowch, and dyuerse of y⊇ other cryed vpon Thomas Fiz Thomas.1612North's Plutarch, Cæsar Augustus 1170 Giuing order that none should be put in nomination but such as were vertuous.1699Luttrell Brief Rel. (1857) IV. 485 The commons yesterday, after they expelled Mr. Woollaston, had in nomination some others.1768Sir J. Gray in Priv. Lett. Ld. Malmesbury (1870) I. 171 My acquaintance with Mr. Harris your father..made me readily acquiesce in your nomination.1837McCulloch Acc. Brit. Empire II. 232 A candidate is not precluded from offering himself, because he is not put in nomination the first day.1890‘R. Boldrewood’ Col.-Reformer (1891) 147 The London Club, to which he had been elected about five years after nomination.
b. A set of nominees. rare—1.
a1817T. Dwight Trav. New Eng. etc. (1821) I. 257 At the same time, and place, they vote, also, for twenty persons as a Nomination for the Council of the ensuing year.
4. Name, designation, denomination. Obs.
1502Arnolde Chron. (1811) 283 Ye shulde leue your right, your tytle,.. and nominacion of you [as] Kyng of Fraunce,..and be content only in wryting wyth Rex Anglie.1553Respublica i. iv, Avar. Oh, I shoulde have sayde, helpe, sir Reformacyon. Oppr. Yea, Marye, sir, that is my Nomynacion.1579Fenton Guicciard vi. (1599) 243 Abhorring such nomination, they had reuerenced the name of the Duke Valentinois.1658Sir T. Browne Hydriot. 44 Who cares to subsist..under naked nominations without deserts and noble acts.1683Snape Anat. Horse i. vi. (1686) 77 By these several nominations or names it goes.1771Smollett Humph. Cl. (1815) 230 The North Briton..observed, that he himself had the honour of a scriptural nomination.1794T. Taylor Pausanias's Descr. Greece III. 251 They found themselves unable to discover the cause of their nomination; but were informed that the one was called Eros.., and the other Anteros.
5. a. Assignation of a name or names.
1552Abp. Hamilton Catech. (1884) 13 How thair is goddis be false nominatioun.1601R. Chester Love's Mart., etc. (1878) 179 What shall I call this creature..? All nomination is too straight of sence.1756J. Clubbe Hist. Wheatfield Misc. Tracts (1770) I. 30 From that moment, according to the capricious and licentious nomination of men and things of those times, called it Whatfield.1863J. G. Murphy Comm., Gen. xii. 8, 9 The name, then, was not first given at the second nomination by him.
b. Designation by a certain name.
1865Cornh. Mag. Aug. 194 The general mediæval usage of Italy, in the popular nomination of artists by their Christian names alone.
6. In horse breeding, the planned mating of a particular mare and a particular stallion.
1912Bloodstock Breeders' Rev. I. 169/2 (heading) Free nominations for mares.Ibid., The Board, in 1911, allotted for award by County Committees 777 nominations for the free service of mares by the King's Premium stallions.1927J. E. Platt Thoroughbred Race-Horse iv. 29 It is necessary to book nominations for two, three, or even four years ahead.1950H. Wynmalen Horse Breeding vi. 110 If the horse is of a type and character that pleases you..you are not likely to go wrong in fixing upon your nomination.1969G. E. Evans Farm & Village x. 118 They gave them assisted nominations to encourage horse-breeding.1974Country Life 14 Mar. 584/1 The highest price was given for a nomination to the American horse, Never Bend.

