
单词 tranche
释义 tranche, n.1
( trɑ̃ʃ, semi-anglicized as trɑːnʃ)
[a. F. tranche, f. trancher to cut: see trench.]
1. A cutting, a cut; a piece cut off, a slice.
c1500Melusine xi. 43 The said fontayne, where as grett tranchis [p. 50 trenchis] or keruyng was made within the harde roche.1893P. Fitzgerald in Month July 337 Huge baskets..in which were huge tranches of bread.
2. transf. and fig. Esp. in Econ., spec. an instalment of a loan, a quota, a block of bonds or (esp. government) stock.
1930Economist 10 May (Suppl.) 10/1 The first business of the bank will be the arrangement of a loan to raise $300 million... The first tranche of the combined loan is expected to be offered about the end of May.1953Ibid. 15 Aug. 470/2 The gas stock (and a few other tranches, too) remains to be sold.1962C. A. R. Crosland Conservative Enemy v. 83 It is true that, as in Soviet Russia, or any industrial society, the top managerial executives belong to the highest social tranche in terms both of income and prestige.1963Ann. Reg. 1962 477 On 9 May a further tranche, amounting to {pstlg}300 million, of 5 per cent Treasury Stock 1986–89 was issued at {pstlg}84½ per cent.1964S. Brittan Treasury under Tories iv. 123 The ‘gold tranche’ represents the portion of British credit facilities automatically available without conditions.1966Listener 11 Aug. 206/1 It laid down political conditions which Egypt would have to fulfil in order to get the second tranche of the loan.1973Times 19 Dec. 17/6 To meet the load growth in the meantime, the board says, a ‘large tranche of reliable nuclear plant’ is required.1974Times 6 Mar. 15/2 Names have rarely been published except in the cases of the biggest tranches of aid [sc. Government aid to private industry].1977Observer 3 Apr. 10/2 His second tranche of income-tax cuts.1978‘L. Black’ Foursome v. 40 Later, the next tranche of old houses would be knocked down so that the Brickyard Lane estate could be doubled in size.1980Times 18 Jan. 19/4 Why not approach the institutional or wholesale money market for funds in large tranches rather than continue with the costly exercise of collecting money from a multitude of smaller savers?
3. tranche de vie [lit. ‘slice of life’], a representation of quotidian existence, spec. in literature or painting; also attrib.
1934in Webster.1957N. Frye Anat. Criticism 285 This idolatrous form of mimesis is rare, but the thin line of its tradition can be traced from Classical mime writers like Herodas to their tranche-de-vie descendants in recent times.1958Spectator 11 July 52/1 This tranche de vie came into my mind while I was talking.1959Times 1 Sept. 11/7 The static, informal tranches-de-vie landscapes of his Antwerp period.1970New Yorker 12 Dec. 193/1 It is the hand-held camera..that is designed to deal with the matter of obtaining tranches de vie.

