
单词 Griqua
释义 Griqua, n. and a.|ˈgriːkwə|
A. n. One of a coloured people of mixed Hottentot and European descent inhabiting chiefly East and West Griqualand in the Cape Province of South Africa; = bastard n. 1 b.
B. adj. Of or pertaining to this people. Cf. coloured ppl. a. 2 b.
1731G. Medley tr. Kolb's Pres. State Cape Good-Hope I. vi. 78 Next to the Damaquas, lie the Gauros or Gauriquas.1793tr. Thunberg's Trav. I. 308 Gauriquas land extends more to the north-eastward: this is a very fine country, and abounds in grass.1815J. Campbell Trav. S. Afr. (ed. 2) xiii. 162 The people were employed by one of the Griqua captains to watch his cattle.Ibid. 163 We partook together of the Lord's Supper, at which were present, Griquas, Hottentots, Dutch, English and Scotch.Ibid. xxvii. 349 The people in this part, being a mixed race, went by the name of Bastards; but having represented to the principal persons the offensiveness of the word to an English or Dutch ear, they resolved to assume some other name. On consulting among them⁓selves, they found the majority were descended from a person of the name of Griqua, and they resolved hereafter to be called Griquas.1822Trav. S. Afr. 2nd Journey I. xiii. 130, I marked the Hottentot, Caffre, Bushmen, Griqua, Namaqua, and Matchappee countries.1833J. Philip Let. May in D. J. Kotzé Lett Amer. Missionaries (1950) 30 Our missionary stations among the Griquas.1839F. Owen Diary (1926) 149 Several Boers reside in the Griqua country.Ibid., The Griqua or Hottentot language.1848H. H. Methuen Life in Wilderness iii. 72 Thence we proceeded to the Griqua village of Ramah, and rejoined our waggons there.1850[see laager n.].1857Livingstone Missionary Trav. S. Afr. v. 104 On crossing the Orange River we come into independent territory inhabited by Griquas and Bechuanas. By Griquas is meant any mixed race sprung from natives and Europeans.1866[see bastard n. 1 b].1897[see Hottentot 2].1905G. W. Stow Native Races S. Afr. xvii. 316 Among the old Hottentot tribes..was a clan..variously called Chariguriqua and Grigriqua... It was from this tribe the modern Griquas derived their name.1958L. van der Post Lost World of Kalahari i. 24 Griqua robbers.1970Cape Times 28 Oct. 2/9 In it he tells how, during the second British occupation of the Cape, there lives a Griqua-Hottentot, by name Nossie.
Hence ˈGriqualander, an inhabitant of E. or W. Griqualand; a Griqua.
1897A. J. Butler tr. Ratzel's Hist. Mankind II. iii. 295 The term ‘Griqualanders’..has become usual since the Griquas have..had a country of their own allotted them.

