
单词 undiscerning
释义 I. undiˈscerning, n.
[un-1 13.]
Want of discernment.
1711Steele Spect. No. 157 ⁋1 The Ignorance and Undiscerning of the Generality of Schoolmasters.1850Browning Christmas Eve vii. 14 Far alike from thriftless learning And ignorance's undiscerning.
II. undiˈscerning, ppl. a.
(un-1 10 and 5 b.)
1589Nashe Pref. in Greene Menaphon (Arb.) 8 Which being the effect of an vndescerning iudgement, makes drosse as valuable as gold.1643–5Milton Divorce ii. xii, That power the undiscerning Canonist hath improperly usurpt.1673Lady's Calling i. ii. §5 These sophisticators of divinity desire the most undiscerning auditors.1711Pope Temple of Fame 297 Thus..fickle Fortune.., undiscerning, scatters crowns and chains.1751Johnson Rambler No. 164 ⁋6 He is on one side censured by undiscerning malice,..and idolized on the other by ignorant admiration.1812Crabbe Tales x. 132 All are appropriate—bog, and marsh, and fen, Are only poor to undiscerning men.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. vii. II. 240 Intemperate and undiscerning as was his zeal for the Declaration.
Hence undiˈscerningly adv.
1707W. Caroll Let. Dr. Prat 10 Not upon the 10th Chap. of that Essay, as this Gentleman very undiscerningly has it.

