
单词 sanap
释义 ˈsanap Obs.
Forms: 4 sauvenap, (saufenap, sayfenap, salvenap), 4–5 savenap(e, 4 saunap(e, sawnap(e, sannap, 4–5 sanap, (4 sanop), 5 sanapp, (sanope). See also surnape.
[Orig. sauvenape, savenape, a. OF. *sauvenape, f. sauve-r to save + nape table-cloth, nape n.2
Latinized salva mappa in Durh. Acc. Rolls (Surtees) an. 1338 and 1343.]
A strip of cloth placed over the outer part of the table-cloth to preserve it from being soiled.
1312Finchale Priory Acc. (Surtees) p. v, Duo mappæ, ij sauvenapys.1313Bolton Compotus 279 Pro mappis & Sauuenapys emptis apud London. xxx.s. vij.d.c1330Durham Acc. Rolls (Surtees) 518 In salvenap' conficiend., 7d.1337in Riley Mem. Lond. (1868) 200, j savenape iiijd.13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 886 A tapit..Clad wyth a clene cloþe,..Sanap, & salure, & syluer-in sponez.1391Will J. Marischall in Ingleby MS. 62 Vnum tuallium cum vno sausenap [? read saufenap] de optimis.c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) xxvi. 123 Þai vse nowþer burde clath ne sawnape.14..Nom. in Wr.-Wülcker 721 Hoc manutergium, a sanope.1430Will of Cheymy (Somerset Ho.), j towells j sauenap.a1440Sir. Degrev. 1387 Towellus..Whyȝth as the seeys fame, Sanappus of the same, Thus servyd thei ware.

