
单词 Hydrus
释义 Hydrus|ˈhaɪdrəs|
[L., ad. Gr. ὕδρος water-snake; cf. hydra.]
1. A fabulous water-snake or sea-serpent.
1667Milton P.L. x. 525 The Hall, thick swarming now With complicated monsters, head and tail,..Cerastes hornd. Hydrus, and Ellops drear.
b. A former name for a genus of venomous sea-snakes, now called Hydrophis.
[1601Holland Pliny II. 258 The goodliest and fairest snakes to see too, are those which live in the water, and are called Hydri, water-snakes.]1838Penny Cycl. XII. 405/1 Hydrus. The serpents of this genus have the posterior part of the body and the tail very much compressed and elevated vertically, so as to give them a facility of swimming.
2. Astron. One of the southern constellations, introduced by La Caille in the 18th c.
1796Hutton Math. Dict., Hydrus, or Water Serpent, one of the few southern constellations, including only ten stars.1868Lockyer Guillemin's Heavens (ed. 3) 423 These half-stellar, half-nebulous systems..are situated, one between the Pole and Canopus..the other..in Hydrus, between Achernar and the Pole.

