
单词 untowen
释义 unˈtowe(n, ppl. a. Obs.
Forms: (see quots.).
[OE. unᵹetoᵹen (un-1 8 b), = OHG. ungizogan, unkazogan, etc. (MHG. and G. ungezogen, obs. G. unzogen), MLG. un(ge)togen uneducated, undisciplined, ill-bred, etc., MSw. otughin improper, disreputable, etc. Cf. wanton a.]
Untaught, untrained; unmannered, wanton.
c1000ælfric Hom. I. 576 Fisceras and unᵹetoᵹene menn ᵹeceas Drihten him to leorning-cnihtum.c1225Ancr. R. 102 Eni totilde ancre..þet bekeð euer utward ase untowe brid ine cage.Ibid. 372 So tendre of þe bodie þet hit iwurðe untowen.a1240Sawles Warde in O.E. Hom. I. 245 For alle hit beoð untohene ant rechelese hinen.Ibid. 267 To..leaden him..nawt efter wil, þe untohe lefdi,..ah efter þat wit wule, þat is husebonde.a1310in Wright Lyric P. viii. 32 Thah told beon tales untoun in toun.13..Metr. Hom. in Archiv Stud. neu. Spr. LVII. 252/1 Þis ilke childe was so vntoun and so wylde.c1425in Anglia VIII. 145 Wiþ hir vntoune & lacches songes [she] kyndeliþ þe fyre of lecchery.
Hence unˈtowe(n)ly adv., wantonly; unˈtowe(n)ship, wantonness. Obs.
a1225Ancr. R. 170 Schomeleas is þe mon oðer þeo wummon þet deð eni untoweschipe, oðer seið, biuoren ancren.a1230Hali Meid. 22 Ȝef ȝe þenne hondlið ow in ei stude untuliche [v.r. untoheliche].a1240Sawles Warde in O.E. Hom. I. 247 Nis hare nan þe ne feareð ofte untoheliche ant gulteð ilome.c1450Cursor M. 10135 (Laud MS.), I rede of hem ye here That may you help in your mystere And leve your vntounship a-while.

