
单词 stooter
释义 ˈstooter Obs.
In 6–7 stoter.
[Du. stooter.]
A Dutch coin worth two stuivers and a half.
1598W. Phillip tr. Linschoten i. xxx. 58 There are many Indians that are daily hired..and haue 12. Basarucos the day, which is as much as two stiuers or a stoter.1609Rowlands Dr. Merrie-man (1877) 14 Now for a Stoter you a Box may haue, That will the liues of halfe a dozen saue.1616B. Jonson Devil an Ass iii. iii. 32 Where could you ha'..Beene satisfied with a leape o' your Host's daughter, In garrison, a wench of a stoter! or, Your Sutlers wife, i' the leaguer, of two blanks!1811P. Kelly Univ. Cambist I. 14 Amsterdam... [Silver Coins] Stooters, [reckoned] at 2½ Stivers.

