
单词 teenful
释义 ˈteenful, a. Obs. or dial.
Forms: see teen n.1
[OE. téonful, ME. teneful, f. teen n.1 + -ful.]
Full of ‘teen’: see teen n.1
1. Causing trouble or sorrow; vexatious, troublesome, painful, grievous, distressing.
c1000Ags. Ps. (Spelman) lxxvii. 10 Mægþ teonful, generatio exasperans.a1023Wulfstan Hom. l. (1883) 273 Hu læne and hu lyðre þis lif is, hu sarlic and hu sorhful and hu ᵹeswincful and hu teonful.a1300E.E. Psalter lxxviii. 8 Þat þai ne be als þar fadres fals, Getynge wik and tene-fulle als.1340–70Alisaunder 282 Hee made a uery uow auenged too beene Of þat teenefull tach þat hee tooke þere.c1350Will. Palerne 2666 Ȝe grettli aren a-greued..For þise tenful trauayles.c1425Cast. Persev. 1755 in Macro Plays 129 Teneful talys I may þee sey.a1825Forby Voc. E. Anglia, Teenful, troublesome; vexatious.
b. Harmful, injurious.
(In first quot. perh. Lamentable, deplorable: cf. 1.)
1340–70Alex. & Dind. 566 Many men vp-on molde made hue by slithe To haunte hure in hordom..Of hure tenful tach ȝe taken ensample.a1400–50Alexander 3907 Wild berys..With ilka tenefull tothe as tyndis of harowis.
2. Angry, wrathful; malicious, spiteful.
c1205Lay. 4585 Þer þreo & fifti scipen..In þa teonfulle sæ torneden sæiles.c1400Destr. Troy 12252 Þen Thelamon was tenfull, & turnyt into yre.1570Sat. P. Ref. xiii. 89 O Teinfull tratouris!1572Ibid. xxxii. 97 O tenefull Tyrane!
b. Feeling sorrow; sorrowful, grieved, sad.
1387–8T. Usk Test. Love ii. v. (Skeat) l. 49 O bad and straite been thilke, that at their departyng, maketh men teneful and sorie.14..Siege Jerus. 213 Ac without tribute or trewes tenfulle wyes, Þe knyȝtes with þe kerchef comen ful blyue.
Hence ˈteenfully adv. Obs., sorrowfully, sadly, lamentably, grievously; harmfully, injuriously; angrily, wrathfully.
13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 160 Greuing, and gretyng, and gryspyng harde Of teþe tenfully to geder.a1400Morte Arth. 272 He askyde me tyrauntly tribute of Rome, That tenefully tynt was in tyme of myne elders.c1400Destr. Troy 12233 Than Thelamon..tenfully spake..all in grym yre.c1460Towneley Myst. xvi. 56 Free men ar his thrall full teynfully torne.

