
单词 steadful
释义 I. ˈsteadful, a. Sc. and north. Obs. rare.
[f. stead n. + -ful.]
1585–6Reg. Privy Council Scot. IV. 52 The settling of a steidfull and continewing ordour of the ministeris stipendis.a1600Flodden F. vii. (1664) 67 Yet they such stedful faiths did bear.
II. ˈsteadful, v. Obs. rare—1.
[f. stead n. + full a.]
trans. (An etymological rendering of locupletāre to enrich.)
a1300E.E. Psalter lxiv. 10 Þou soght þe land, and dronkened it yhite; Þou mani-falded to stedful ite [Vulg. multiplicasti locupletare].

