
单词 roughly
释义 I. ˈroughly, a. Obs.—1
In 5 roghlych.
[f. rough a. + -ly1.]
13..E.E. Allit. P. C. 64 Goddes glam to hym glod,..With a roghlych rurd rowned in his ere.
II. roughly, adv.|ˈrʌflɪ|
Forms: 4 ruchli, rohly, 6 Sc. rouchly; 4 rughli, 4, 6 rughly, 6 rughtly, 6– roughly, 7 ruffly.
[f. rough a.]
1. In a rough, ungentle, or violent manner; with roughness or violence.
a1300Cursor M. 22151 Þe wind to do rughli to rise.c1325Metr. Hom. (1862) 23 Kinric sal rohly rise Igain kinric.1526Skelton Magnyf. 1910, I rushe at them rughly, and make them ly full lowe.1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 365 He dealeth so sharply and roughly with him.1601Shakes. Twel. N. iii. iv. 124 The Fiend is rough, and will not be roughly vs'd.1638Sanderson Serm. (1681) II. 113 God in His dispensations commonly..dealeth roughliest with us at the first.1680Hatton Corr. (1878) I. 219 The K. received them but ruffly.1712Steele Spect. No. 427 ⁋1 One whose own Character has been very roughly treated.1778F. Burney Evelina lxxxii, Shaking him roughly by the hand.1844Thirlwall Greece lxiv. VIII. 305 When it appeared that the ambassadors had received no instructions on this head, they were roughly dismissed.1884W. C. Smith Kildrostan 87 Give me the calm of Tempe where no wind Blows on the vine-stocks roughly.
Comb.1856Kane Arct. Expl. II. ix. 95 There are emotions among rude, roughly-nurtured men which vent themselves in true poetry.
2. Without much care, skill, or finish; in a rude or imperfect manner.
1607Norden Surv. Dial. iii. 120 The Surueyor and his Clarke may enter them roughly in a booke, and afterward inroll them faire in a booke of Parchment for Continuance.1662J. Davies tr. Olearius' Voy. Ambass. 10 The Miracles of S. Nicholas, painted according to the mode of the Country, very roughly; and without proportion.1797Mrs. Radcliffe Italian vi, The walls were roughly painted with subjects..tending to inspire melancholy awe.1810Southey Kehama ii. viii, It was an Idol roughly hewn of wood.1851–3Tomlinson's Cycl. Arts II. 169/1 The man then gets out a mass of rock and dresses it roughly into a cylinder.1889Jessopp Coming of Friars ii. 54 The smaller strips of parchment..have been roughly bound together in volumes.
Comb.1826Kirby & Sp. Entomol. IV. l. 546, I placed under a wine-glass several of each along with roughly-powdered camphor.1875T. Seaton Fret-Cutting 67 The iron [is] run along the roughly-cut moulding.
3. Without strict accuracy or precision; only in an approximate or general way.
1841Penny Cycl. XXI. 287/2 The population of Servia is roughly reckoned at about half a million of inhabitants.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. iii. I. 420 note, King..roughly estimated the common people of England at 880,000 families.1865Ruskin Sesame i. §33 Now, {pstlg}700 is to {pstlg}50,000,000 roughly, as sevenpence to two thousand pounds.1893Earl Dunmore Pamirs I. 36 The Vedas.., which date back, roughly speaking, some 3000 years.

