
单词 run-out
释义 ˈrun-out
Also run out, runout.
[f. run v.]
1. Founding.
a. (See quots.) Obs.
1825J. Nicholson Operat. Mechanic 334 Releasing the pig-iron of its carbon..by placing it in an open furnace, termed a refinery, and by some a run-out furnace.1881Raymond Mining Gloss., Run-out fire, a forge in which cast-iron is refined.
b. Leakage of molten metal from a cupola or a mould.
1888Lockwood's Dict. Mech. Engin. 296 Run out, the escape of metal from a mould during the act of pouring, due to open joints somewhere.1901Shop & Foundry Practice (Colliery Engineer Co.) IV. xxxv. 20 If there is any breaking of joints by drawing the pattern or from a straining of the cope, allowing large fins or a run out, the metal will run into the vent channels..and fill them with iron.1928Proc. Inst. Brit. Foundrymen XX. 366 In Fig. 1—an ordinary scullery copper—it is quite obvious that if there be a runout there is little chance of saving the casting.1960R. Lister Decorative Cast Ironwork in Gt. Brit. ii. 56 Possible defects in castings are manifold, and may be in the form of blow holes, unfused chaplets, wrong grain-structure, fractures, distortions, runouts, [etc.].
2. Cricket. An instance of a batsman being put out while trying to make a run.
1851Bell's Life 21 Sept. 6/5 (heading) The ‘runs out’ and ‘runs lost’ at cricket.1867G. H. Selkirk Guide to Cricket Ground vii. 122 Never run past the wicket, unless to save a run out, when you can stop yourself.1891[see return n. 12 e].1892Longman's Mag. Aug. 440 Oxford began with a duck and a run out.1930Morning Post 16 July 11/6 Only once..during their many long partnerships has a run-out been recorded.1950W. Hammond Cricketers' School xv. 140 He broke the wicket from 30 yards away in one of the most startling run-outs I have ever seen.1976Milton Keynes Express 2 July 41/6 If it had not been for three run-outs they might have got nearer their mammoth target.
3. Mountaineering. The length of rope required to climb a single pitch; also transf., a pitch climbed by means of a single length of rope.
1920[see belaying vbl. n. 2].1965A. Blackshaw Mountaineering vii. 195 There are exceptions such as the routes on the Idwal Slabs in North Wales where many pitches involve run-outs of eighty feet or more.1971D. Haston in C. Bonington Annapurna South Face xvii. 206 It was a long and tortuous pitch done in one run-out on one of our big ropes.Ibid. 214 My immediate prospect was a three hundred foot run-out to the top of the gully.1972In High Places ii. 28 It's slightly awkward to do full run-outs with three people on the rope.
4. An act or instance of running out, fleeing, or escaping; also attrib., esp. in U.S. slang phr. to take a run-out powder, to withdraw; to leave, abscond; cf. powder n.1 2 h.
1920Our Navy Aug. 33/1 The ‘Wilmington’ challenged us to a boat race, but when we slapped up a sack of good Chinese taels to back our team the ‘Wily Willie’ took a run-out powder and called off the race.1928Amer. Mercury May 80/1 The fair charmer has taken ‘a run-out with the bank roll.’1933D. Runyon in Collier's 28 Jan. 7/4 Well, The Sky says he sees no way of meeting these obligations and he is figuring the only thing he can do is to take a run-out powder.1943Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch 23 Aug. 2/1 (heading) Kiska forces disappointed by run-out.1952Pohl & Kornblath in Galaxy Sci. Fiction July 147/2 You crossed us up with that cowardly run-out.a1953E. O'Neill Hughie (1959) 14, I stuck it till I was eighteen before I took a run-out powder.1968‘E. Peters’ Grass Widow's Tale viii. 114 They came back for their money, just when she had everything planned for her run-out.
5. A mock auction. Cf. mock a. 2. Usu. with def. article or attrib.
1934P. Allingham Cheapjack vii. 72 The London Mob were working the R.O. This is short for the ‘Run Out’.1938F. D. Sharpe Sharpe of Flying Squad xv. 171 ‘Run out’ shops disposing of valueless jewellery worked in conjunction with the pickpockets.Ibid. xxvii. 280 Run Out Shops have given me a good deal of work. Many of the methods of the Run Out Mob and their premises on which they hold their mock auctions of worthless junk range from small and cheap set-ups on the race-courses..to elaborate dens of swindle in the West End.1939J. B. Priestley Let People Sing x. 258 He told me his old partner, Charlie, had left him to join the run-out boys from Brum—that is, the gang from Birmingham running a fake auction—and, by the way, if anybody wants to see me lose my temper just let 'em talk as if I was on the run-out game.1943Police Jrnl. Mar. 69 Run-out mob, a gang that conducts mock auctions.1959News Chron. 16 Nov. 5 The run-out men..are mock auctioneers who draw large crowds with their showman's patter... As well as in Petticoat Lane, they operate in many of the seaside towns during the summer.
6. Engin. Deviation of a wheel, drill, etc., from its proper course; the extent of this.
1946W. H. Crouse Automotive Mech. xxiv. 512 Wobble or ‘run-out’ of the wheels can be checked by spinning the front wheels and holding a piece of chalk against the rim or side wall of the tire.1951C. W. Kennedy Inspection & Gaging ii. 28 Common terms..are squareness, parallelism, waviness,..eccentric, run-out and out-of-line.1975Bram & Downs Manuf. Technol. vii. 194 An important point of design is to reduce end thrust, to prevent bowing and flexing, producing as a consequence hole run-out and short drill-life.1977Hot Car Oct. 58/1 Subsequent to machining the wheels undergo a rigorous testing programme checking for run-out and wobble.
7. Skiing. = outrun n. 4.
1956Ski-ing (‘Know the Game’ Series) 13/2 These [nursery slopes] should be of average steepness at the top, have a gentle gradient in the middle and a long flat run out so that the ski will come to a stop naturally if the skier is unable to control them.1974Rules of Game 239/1 There must be a wide, gently sloping, and unobstructed run-out at the finish [of a ski-slope].
8. On a gramophone record, (the blank groove traversing) the annular area between the label and the grooves carrying the recording. Freq. attrib. as run-out groove.
1962A. Nisbett Technique Sound Studio viii. 150 If the surface noise on the run in and run out of the two records is not sufficient..a ‘blank’..record can be used to lend continuity of background.1975Gramophone May 2048/3 A new TD 145 turntable..has an automatic lift and shut-off device relying on electronic sensing of the run-out groove.1976Ibid. Nov. 768/2 What puzzles me is that both these discs do in fact bear the re-make matrix numbers on both label and needle run-out.
9. Special Comb.: run-out table (see quot. 1948).
1948T. Lyman Metals Handbk. 12/2 Runout table, in a rolling mill a plane area at the receiving end, for holding rolled metal.1973J. G. Tweeddale Materials Technol. II. 99 Most commonly, a hot semicontinuous extrusion press..is placed horizontally so that the extruded product can be discharged straight on to a ‘run-out’ table and never has to carry its own weight in tension whilst in its weakened hot state.

