
单词 este
释义 I. este, n. Obs.
Forms: 1 ést, 2–3 este (Orm. esste), 5 est.
[OE. ést fem. (:—prehistoric *ôsti), corresp. to OFris. êst, enst, OS., OHG. anst, ON. ást, Goth. ansts:—OTeut. *ansti-z; also late OE. (in sense 3) ést masc. (pl. éstas); f. root of unne, to grant. Cf. OHG. unst, mod.G. g-unst, Sw. ynnest, Da. yndest, f. un- weak grade of the same root.]
1. Good pleasure, favour, grace (esp. of God). In OE. also: Bounty, munificence.
Beowulf 3074 (Gr.) He..hæfde aᵹendes est ær ᵹesceawod.a1000Andreas 1217 (Gr.) Ne moton ofer mine est Þinne lichoman lehtrum scyldiᵹe deaðe ᵹedælan.c1430Syr Tryam. 1416 As y yow say, be Goddys est!a1440Sir Eglam. 904 Make we mery for Goddys est.
2. Pleasure, delight, luxury.
c1000Ags. Gosp. Luke vii. 25 Þa ðe synt on deorwurþum reafe & on estum [c 1160 Hatton esten; Vulg. deliciis].a1175Cott. Hom. 241 Mine esten beoð wunian mid mannen bearnen.a1240Ureisun in Cott. Hom. 201 Ne wene nomon to stihen wið este to þe steorren.a1240Sawles Warde ibid. 257 Meaðful in alles cunnes estes.a1250Owl & Night. 1504 Thu miȝt mid wlate the este bugge.
3. Dainty food; also pl. dainties.
c1000ælfric Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 152 Dapes, kininga wist, uel estas.a1200Moral Ode 359 Ne scal þer ben bred ne win . ne oþer cunnes este.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 99 Þis dai is cleped estre dai þat is estene da, and te este is husel.c1200Ormin 7542 & ȝiff we wolldenn shunenn aȝȝ To fillenn uss wiþþ esstess.a1250Owl & Night. 353 Mid este thu the miȝt over-quatie.
4. In Comb., which did not survive beyond early ME.: ˈestdede [see deed], deed of kindness; ˈestful a., dainty, fastidious, luxurious; hence ˈestfullness, daintiness; ˈestlich a. [see -ly1], dainty, luxurious; ˈestliche adv. [see -ly2], daintily, luxuriously; ˈestmete = 3.
c1250Gen. & Ex. 2758 And ietro geld it him in *estdede.
a1000Ags. Gloss. in Wr.-Wülcker 218 Deliciosa, *estful.a1225Ancr. R. 108 Estful is þeos ancre, ant muchel is þet heo bit.c1340Cursor M. App. i. (Edin. MS.) 23750 Þe fleis es ai to flihtis fus, Þe werd estful and couaitus.
a1000Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 220 Deuotio, *estfulnes.
a850Kentish Gloss. ibid. 84 Delicatæ, *estelice.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 179 Þe riche habbeð of here [underlinges] swinche..estliche metes and drinkes.
c1000Andreas 292 (Gr.) We þe *estliche mid us willað feriᵹan.a1225Ancr. R. 204 Þe Suwe of ȝiuernesse þet is, Glutunie, haueð pigges þus inemned. To Erliche hette þet on? þet oðer to Estliche.
c1000ælfric Gram. ix. (Z.) 54 Hæc daps, þeos sund oððe *estmete.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 37 Þe est metes and drinkes [he] ut speweð.c1200Ormin 829 Nass nan esstemete þær Þatt follȝheþþ gluternesse.
II. este, a. Obs.
Also 3 north. eist.
[OE. éste (*anstjo-), f. ést: see este n.]
a. Of persons: Gracious, kind, bountiful.
b. Of things: Agreeable, pleasant, savoury.
Beowulf 945 (Gr.) Þæt hyre eald Metod este wære bearn⁓ᵹebyrdo.a1000Cædmon's Gen. 1509 (Gr.) Ðæt he him ealra wæs ara este.a1250Owl & Night. 997 That lond nis god, ne hit nis este.a1300Cursor M. 3610 (Cott.), If þou mai bring me any beist Þou graith me ful fair and eist.a1300Prov. Hendyng xiii, Este bueth oune brondes.

