
单词 injurious
释义 injurious, a.|ɪnˈdʒʊərɪəs|
[a. F. injurieux (14th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), ad. L. injūriōs-us, f. injūria injury.]
Fraught with injury; tending to injure: said of actions, and persons committing them.
1. Wrongful; hurtful or prejudicial to the rights of another; wilfully inflicting injury or wrong.
1494Fabyan Chron. vii. 451 We se well that ye entende to perseuyr in your iniuryous withholdynge.1548Hall Chron., Edw. IV 210 b, Thy kyngdome..could not by very divyne justice, longe contynew in that injurious stocke.1555Eden Decades 326 Leaste I bee iniurious to any man in ascrybyng to my selfe the trauayles of other.1634W. Wood New Eng. Prosp. (1865) 59 A wronged servant shall have right..from his injurious master.1704Cibber Careless Husb. i. sp. i, Was ever Woman's Spirit, by an injurious Husband, broke like mine?1774S. Hallifax Anal. Rom. Civ. Law (1795) 83 The Injurious Party, besides a Civil, was liable to a Criminal prosecution.1828Scott F.M. Perth xxii, He holds a late royal master of mine in deep hate for some injurious treatment..which he received at his hand.1871R. Ellis Catullus lxiv. 75 Gain'd Gortyna's abode, injurious halls of oppression.
2. Wilfully hurtful or offensive in language; contumelious, insulting; calumnious. (Now only of words or speech, and passing into sense 3.)
c1480Henryson Test. Cres. 284 Ane blind goddes hir cald, that micht not see, With slander and defame injurious.1484Caxton Fables of æsop ii. xii, The Iniuryous mocquen and scornen the world and geteth many enemyes.a1592Greene Wks. (1882) II. 219 An injurious Gentleman heere in Saragossa, who with despightfull taunts hath abused the Gentlewomen of Sicillie.1607Shakes. Cor. iii. iii. 69 Call me their Traitor, thou iniurious Tribune.1719De Foe Crusoe i. xviii, Tying his Hands, and giving him injurious Language. [1726–31Tindal Rapin's Hist. Eng. (1743) II. xvii. 99 Speaking of Elizabeth in very injurious terms.1879Farrar St. Paul (1883) 117 Injurious words had been as far as possible from his thoughts.]
3. Tending to hurt or damage; hurtful, harmful, detrimental, deleterious.
1559W. Cuningham Cosmogr. Glasse Pref. A iv, This hathe bene to all men profitable, and injurious to no man.1589Warner Alb. Eng. ii. Prose Add. (1612) 331, I know thee vnwittingly iniurious.1674tr. Scheffer's Lapland 135 The Martin is not injurious only to the Squirrel, but to both small and great Birds.1817W. Selwyn Law Nisi Prius (ed. 4) II. 1300 It would be injurious to the public trade of England.1879G. C. Harlan Eyesight viii. 110 Another equally..injurious habit is that of reading while lying down.
4. injurious affection (Law): a term used of a situation in which part of a person's land is acquired compulsorily under statutory powers and the remaining part is reduced in value, either because it is a smaller piece or because of what has been done on the land compulsorily acquired; also, of other situations in which an owner seeks compensation for the deleterious effect on his property of the exercise of statutory powers; injurious falsehood (Law): an actionable falsehood, a false statement claimed to have caused damage to the plaintiff in respect of his office, profession, trade or business, etc.
[1845Act 8 & 9 Vict. c. 18 The damage, if any, to be sustained by the owner of the lands by reason of the severing of the lands from the other lands of such owner, or otherwise injuriously affecting such lands.]1867Law Rep. (Queen's Bench) II. 239 The injurious affection of the house by the vibration, smoke, and noise.1889Law Rep. (Appeal Cases) XIV. 159 The acts complained of as an injurious affection were not done on the land taken.1909Halsbury Laws Eng. III. 41 In assessing compensation for..injurious affection all damage that can be reasonably foreseen should be taken into account.1932Act 22 & 23 Geo. V c. 48 Account shall be taken of any additional injurious affection of the property.1947Act 10 & 11 Geo. VI c. 48 The compensation (if any) to which that person would be entitled for such injurious affection if the..land were compulsorily acquired.1965Act Eliz. II c. 56 §10 This section shall be construed as affording in all cases a right to compensation for injurious affection to land.1971Country Life 6 May 1109/2 A claim for compensation on account of injurious affection is now made under the provisions of sections 7 and 10 of the Compulsory Purchase Act.1972Daily Colonist (Victoria, B.C.) 10 Feb. 38/3 The report also suggests that the basic formula for compensation [in case of expropriation] be based on the market value of the property expropriated plus damages for ‘injurious affection’.
1907J. W. Salmond Law of Torts xv. 426 The second form of actionable misrepresentation, namely that which we have termed Injurious Falsehood.1928Ibid. (ed. 7) xv. 582 The most important example of the wrong of injurious falsehood is the use of fraudulent or misleading trade names.1933Law Jrnl. Rep. CII. 191 A false statement detrimental to the plaintiff's business, but not defamatory, carelessly made in the belief it was true, will not support an action for injurious falsehood.1955Rep. Patent, Design & Trade Mark Cases (Patent Office) LXXII. 160 The amendment of the writ has been such as to raise the cause of action known as ‘injurious falsehood’.1967J. G. Fleming Introd. Law of Torts xi. 218 The tort of injurious falsehood, partaking of elements familiar to defamation and deceit.1973J. D. Heydon Economic Torts IV. 66 Injurious falsehood. This tort is committed where the defendant maliciously publishes to a third party written or oral falsehoods about the plaintiff in his trade which are calculated to produce and do produce actual damage.1974Trans. Philol. Soc. 1973 19 The only possibility of action would appear to be in the tort of injurious falsehood, but for a trade-mark proprietor to succeed he would have to show malice on the part of the publishers or editor of the dictionary.

