
单词 dreadfulness
释义 ˈdreadfulness
[f. as prec. + -ness.]
The quality or state of being dreadful.
1. The quality of having terror or dread. Obs.
c1440Promp. Parv. 131/2 Dredefulnesse, idem est quod Drede.1604T. Wright Passions ii. iii. §2. 71 Dreadfulnesse of infamie, and feare of diseases draw in the raynes of this inordinate affection.1649Bp. Hall Cases Consc. iii. i. (1654) 162 In respect of our dreadfulnesse.
2. Awfulness, terribleness, frightfulness.
c1440Promp. Parv. 131/2 Dredefulnesse, and horrybylnesse, horribilitas, terribilitas.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 431 b/1 In sygne of punycyon of his synne and terrour and dredefulnesse to alle other.1548Udall, etc. Erasm. Par. Acts iv. (R.), Afrayed with dreadfulnes of the great judgement.1649Roberts Clavis Bibl. 276 The dreadfulnesse of the Lord above all gods.1849Robertson Serm. Ser. i. xi. 167 The dreadfulness of death is one of the most remarkable things.

