
单词 hazelwort
释义 ˈhazelwort Herb.
[An adaptation of 16th c. Ger. haselwurtz, OHG. haselwurz (also haselwurzel), f. wurz herb, wort, wurzel root.]
A book name in the herbalists for Asarabacca.
[1551Turner Herbal i. E ij b, Asarum is called..in english folfote..and asarabacca in duche hasell wurt: because it groweth abowte hasell tree rootes.]1578Lyte Dodoens iii. v. 319 This herbe..is called in English Asarabacca, and folefoote, it may also be called Haselworte..in Germanie Haselwurtz: in Brabant Haselwortel.1597Gerarde Herbal ii. cccvi. (1633) 837. 1706 Phillips (ed. Kersey), Cabarick, an Herb otherwise call'd Hazlewort [mispr. Harlewort]. So1730–36in Bailey (folio).1862Medlock tr. Schœdler's Treas. Sc. 460 The Pipe tree..and the Hazelwort.

