
单词 cerebral
释义 cerebral, a. (and n.)|ˈsɛrɪbrəl|
[a. F. cérébral, f. on L. type *cerebrālis, f. cerebrum: see -al1.]
1. a. Pertaining or relating to the brain, or to the cerebrum; of the nature of or analogous to a brain, e.g. a cerebral ganglion. cerebral hemispheres: the two great divisions of the cerebrum. cerebral nerves: the twelve pairs of nerve-trunks which arise from the brain. cerebral palsy: see palsy n.
1816W. Lawrence Comp. Anat. 500 (L.) If the nobler attributes of man reside in the cerebral hemispheres.1858O. W. Holmes Aut. Breakf. T. xii. 116 Written under cerebral excitement.1871W. A. Hammond Dis. Nervous Syst. 33 Cerebral congestion.Ibid. 74 Cerebral hæmorrhage.1875Lyell Princ. Geol. II. iii. xliii. 491 Man's superior cerebral development.
b. Intellectual; appealing to the intellect (rather than to the emotions); clever.
1929D. H. Lawrence Pansies 60 Since we have become so cerebral We can't bear to touch or be touched.1935T. E. Lawrence Lett. (1938) 853, I was then trying to write; to be perhaps an artist..or to be at least cerebral.1946Amer. Speech XXI. 81 The only congresswoman who may be described plausibly as both cerebral and beautiful.1951R. Hoggart Auden i. 19 The verse of a young man..anxious to evolve a hard, cerebral style.1959Camb. Rev. 25 Apr. 449/2 Everything is suitably cerebral, and the emotional sterility does not obtrude.1970Daily Tel. 19 May 16/4 A kind of cerebral comedy, pondering the difference between appearance of reality and keeping us on our intellectual toes.
2. cerebral letters: a name given by some to a class of consonants recognized in Sanskrit and other Indian languages, developed from the dentals by retracting the tongue and applying its tip to the palate. Also as n.
1805Colebrook Gram. Sanskr. Lang. 24 A dental consonant..being contiguous to a cerebral, or following (not preceding) ष is changed to the corresponding cerebral.1857Monier Williams Sanskr. Gram. i. 9 The..cerebrals should be..produced by turning back the tip of the tongue towards the palate, or top of the head (cerebrum).1879Whitney Sanskr. Gram. §45 Lingual series..They are called by the grammarians mūrdhanya, literally ‘head sounds, capitals, cephalics’; which term is in many European grammars rendered by ‘cerebrals’.1918D. Jones Outl. Eng. Phonetics xvi. 100 Cacuminal sounds (also called ‘inverted’ sounds or ‘cerebral’ sounds) are defined as sounds in which the tip of the tongue is ‘inverted’ or curled upwards towards the hard palate.1934Year's Work in Eng. Stud. 1932 53 The consonant apparently became a cerebral (inverted) r before its disappearance.
Hence ˈcerebralism, the theory that mental operations arise from the action of the brain; also, intellectualism; ˈcerebralist, one who holds this theory; also, an intellectual, intellectualist; ˌcerebraˈlistic a., of or pertaining to cerebralism; cereˈbrality, cerebral or intellectual quality, cleverness; ˌcerebraliˈzation, a making a consonant ‘cerebral’ (cf. labialization, palatalization).
1881N. Potter in Trans. Victoria Inst. XIV. 63 Bain's gross physiological cerebralism.1892W. James Coll. Ess. & Rev. (1920) 326 A critic of cerebralism in psychology ought to do one of two things.1931C. Gray Contingencies (1947) 156 Excessive cerebralism on the one hand and excessive sensationalism on the other.
1890W. James Princ. Psychol. I. 4 The spiritualist and the associationist must both be ‘cerebralists’.1943C. Williams Figure of Beatrice 20 So much only to prevent too great an ‘elevation’ of Dante's thought; we are not to suppose him a mere cerebralist.
1892W. James Coll. Ess. & Rev. (1920) 316 The cerebralistic point of view which is becoming so popular in psychology today.1901Scribner's Mag. XXIX. 505/2 There is one trait that belongs in common to every artistic effort of Americans, and that is the cerebrality..of such effort.1903Daily Chron. 9 May 4/5 The adventures of Sherlock Holmes are cerebrality raised to the power of n.
1869W. H. Ferrar Compar. Gram. Skr. I. 340 Cerebralisation is a phenomenon that has arisen within the limits of the Sanskrit language.

