
单词 calaber
释义 I. calaber, calabar|ˈkæləbə(r)|
Forms: 4–6 calabre, 5 calabere, 6 calubur, calober, callabre, calabrye, calliber, calloper, 6–7 callaber, 7 caliber, 9 calabar, 6– calaber.
[app. a. F. Calabre, Calabria, a province of Italy; but why so called is unknown.]
1. A kind of fur, apparently obtained from some foreign species of the squirrel; now, commercially, applied especially to the fur of the grey or Siberian Squirrel: also attrib. calaber pencil: an artist's colour-brush made of the hairs of this fur.
1362Langl. P. Pl. A. vii. 257 His cloke of Calabre with knoppes of Gold.1483Caxton G. de la Tour E ij, Gownes of moche fyn cloth and furred of calabre, letuce, and ermyn.1532–3Act 24 Hen. VIII, xiii, Any maner of furres, other then black cony, budge, grey cony, shankes, calaber, gray, fiche.1556Chron. Gr. Friars (1852) 59 The ij. day of June [1549]..alle the gray ammesse with the calober in Powlles ware put downe.1555Eden Decades W. Ind. (Arb.) 291 The people of Moscouia..haue ryche furres as Sabels, Marteines, Foynes, Calaber.1583Plat Diuerse Exper. (1594) 14 With a fine calaber pensill first dipped in y⊇ coppres water.1588Gifts to Queen in Nichols Progr. Q. Eliz., Furred thorough with mynnyover and calloper.a1603Fleetwood ibid. I. 355 We sitting in all our calabrye clokes of murrey, did geve the newe shereffs..theire othes.1720Stow's Surv. (ed. Strype 1754) II. v. viii. 255/1 Those Aldermen that have not been Mayors are to have their Cloaks furred with Calabre.1832–52McCulloch Dict. Comm., Calabar Skin, the Siberian squirrel skin.1875Ure Dict. Arts II. 516 Furs, Skins, and Pelts imported..1870..Squirrel or Calabar 150, 668.
2. The animal itself. Obs.
1607Cowell Interpr. s.v. Furre, Calaber is a little beast, in bigness about the quantitie of a squirell, of colour gray.a1626Middleton Love & Antiq. Wks. V. 289 Beasts bearing fur..Lamb..wolverin, caliber.1721in Bailey.
II. calaber
obs. f. calibre.

