
单词 resist
释义 I. resist, n.|rɪˈzɪst|
[f. the vb.]
1. Resistance. Obs.
1535Stewart Cron. Scot. III. 411 Makand heirschip fra blude and fyre also, Without resist quhair euir tha list till go.1584Lodge Forbonius & Prisc. H j b, I make no resist in this my louing torment.1608Day Hum. out of Breath v. ii, Proud his assault, as proud be our resist.1630J. Lane Contn. Sqr.'s T. x. 437 (Ashm. MS.), Camball tooke (without resiste) the town.
2. In calico-printing, a preparation applied to those parts of the fabric which are not to be coloured, in order to prevent the dye from affecting them. Also attrib.
1836Penny Cycl. VI. 156/1 White resist for deep blue, to be applied by the cylinder.Ibid., After printing on the resist pastes, the goods should be hung up.1860Smiles Self Help ii, The process for producing what is called resist work in calico printing.1890W. J. Gordon Foundry 175 A style where a ‘resist’ is printed on the blank cloth, the ‘resist’ being a substance that is unaffected by the dye.
3. a. Any composition applied to a surface to protect it in part from the effects of an agent employed on it for some purpose (also resist-varnish); spec. such a composition used to provide protection against the etchant or solvent in photo-engraving, photogravure, or photolithography.
1839Ure Dict. Arts 218 The copper is covered by a resist varnish while being heated by the transmission of steam through its axis.1873Spon Worksh. Rec. Ser. i. 199/1 [Steel] requires to be preserved against the action of the cleansing acids and of the graining mixture, by a composition called resist.1886W. T. Wilkinson Photo-Engraving on Zinc & Copper v. 34 When it is judged that the etching has proceeded far enough, the resist of ink and resin is removed by the copious use of turpentine.1890Pall Mall G. 20 Feb. 3/1 When the ‘resist’ has been sufficiently applied, the instrument is again passed over the plate.1933T. S. Barber Photo-Engraving, Electrotyping & Stereotyping i. 17 The portions of the bichromated surface which were exposed to light, and already made insoluble, acted as an acid resist.1960[see micro-machining s.v. micro- 2 a].1967V. Strauss Printing Industry v. 213 Polyvinyl alcohol..can be dissolved in water and sensitized with bichromates. Such a solution..can serve as a photomechanical coating resulting in an acid resist. Coating, exposure, and development of polyvinyl alcohol resists do not differ from other resists. But polyvinyl alcohol resists have the advantage that they need not be heated as high as glue-enamel resists in order to make them sufficiently acid-resistant.1975Fink & McKenzie Electronics Engineers' Handbk. viii. 6 The [semiconductor] wafer surface to be masked is coated with a photosensitive coating known as photoresist, or resist. The masking plate is then..exposed with ultraviolet light... The photo⁓masking step is followed by an etching step.1978Sci. Amer. Nov. 63/1 The wafer is first coated with an X-ray-sensitive organic polymer called an X-ray resist.
b. Pottery. A material (usu. wax-based) which is applied to pottery in order to prevent glaze or lustre from adhering to certain parts and is removed before or during firing. Orig. and freq. attrib.
1904A. Hayden Chats on Eng. China xii. 231 The..method, with the design left in white, was produced in handsome and highly artistic styles, and there is a pattern, known as the ‘Resist’ pattern, which is much sought after.1910J. F. Blacker ABC of Collecting Old Eng. Pott. xxiii. 214 The commonest application of silver resist is used on a white or ivory ground.1933W. B. Honey Eng. Pott. & Porc. iv. 59 Designs of formal flowers and inscriptions..were also done in darker brown or in ‘resist’ so as to appear of a lighter colour.1957Mankowitz & Haggar Encycl. Eng. Pott. & Porc. 189/2 The decoration is painted upon the glazed surface of the ware in a ‘resist’, covered with metallic solution and fired, the infusible resist portion firing away during the process leaving a white decoration reserved against a bright metallic background.1967M. Chandler Ceramics in Mod. World iii. 108 (caption) The water-soluble resist is washed off before the plates are fired.a1977Harrison Mayer Ltd. Catal. 19/1 Wax resist decoration is very frequently used both under and over a glaze and in combination with stain decoration.
II. resist, v.|rɪˈzɪst|
Also 5 Sc. rasyst, 5–6 resyst(e.
[ad. F. résister, resistir (= It. re-, risistere, Sp. and Pg. resistir), or L. resistĕre, f. re- re- + sistĕre, redupl. form of stāre to stand.]
1. trans. Of things: To stop or hinder (a moving body); to succeed in standing against; to prevent (a weapon, etc.) from piercing or penetrating.
c1374Chaucer Boeth. i. met. vii. (1868) 29 Þe fletyng streme..is arestid & resisted ofte tyme by þe encountrynge of a stoon.a1533Ld. Berners Huon lv. 186 Sorbryn..strake..such a stroke that the buckles nor ony thynge elles coude resyste the stroke.1658Phillips s.v. Resistence, A solid body, which resisteth and opposeth whatsoever comes against it.1667Milton P.L. xii. 491 Spiritual Armour, able to resist Satans assaults.1727–38Chambers Cycl. s.v. Respiration, The air presses the lungs as much as the thorax resists them.1797Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) VII. 363/1 They made the towers round instead of square, imagining this figure to be the strongest to resist the battering engines.1860Tyndall Glac. ii. xix. 332 It quite resisted the edge of a knife.1894H. S. Maxim in Daily News 4 June 5/7 It is quite true that I used a steel plate to resist my projectiles.
b. To withstand the action or effect of (a natural force or physical agency).
1567J. Maplet Gr. Forest 2 b, It maketh it able to resist fire.1687A. Lovell tr. Thevenot's Trav. i. 6 A white soft Rock..does not long resist the Sea Winds..that eat it away.1766Compl. Farmer s.v. Madder 5 G 2/1 That which was dyed with the madder..resisted during thirty minutes a boiling which the other could not bear during ten.1784Cowper Task iii. 465 The stable yields a stercoraceous heap,..potent to resist the freezing blast.
c. Of immaterial things.
1726–31Tindal Rapin's Hist. Eng. (1743) II. xvii. 51 If the interest and sollicitations of the King her Husband had not strongly resisted her zeal for her Religion.1856Emerson Eng. Traits, Race Wks. (Bohn) II. 21 But whilst race works immortally to keep its own, it is resisted by other forces.
2. Of persons: To withstand, strive against, oppose:
a. a person, his will, etc.
1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) III. 333 This philosophre Demostines resistede the legates of the Molosynes commen to Athenes.c1460Fortescue Abs. & Lim. Mon. (1885) 115 Wherfor thai ben myghty, and able to resiste the aduersaries of this reaume.1530Palsgr. 688/1 He intendeth to take possessyon here agaynst my wyll, but he shall be resysted.1593Shakes. 3 Hen. VI, ii. v. 79 Thou that so stoutly hath resisted me, Giue me thy Gold.1651Hobbes Leviath. ii. xxi. 110 Their Representative had the Libertie to resist, or invade other people.1672Petty Pol. Anat. (1691) 47 This Force I take to be sufficient to resist any number of men.1717Pope Iliad xi. 955 Shall Greece yet stand? Resists she yet the raging Hector's hand?1771Junius Lett. xliv. (1788) 248 They knew, that the present house of commons..were likely enough to be resisted.1817Shelley Rev. Islam x. xxviii, O King of Glory! thou alone hast power! Who can resist thy will?1864Bryce Holy Rom. Emp. xiii. (1875) 211 The Lombard league had successfully resisted Frederick's armies.
b. an attack, invasion, blow, or hostile action of any kind.
1533Bellenden Livy iii. ii. (S.T.S.) I. 247 Þe Inemyis..assaleȝet..þe Romane pussance, as Insufficient to resist þare Invasions.1535Coverdale Matt. v. 39, I saye vnto you: that ye resist not euell.1585T. Washington tr. Nicholay's Voy. ii. xiii. 48 Constantine..seeking to resist the courses and robberies which the Parthes dayly vsed towards the Romains.1610Shakes. Temp. i. ii. 465, I will resist such entertainment, till Mine enemy ha's more pow'r.1667Milton P.L. ii. 814 That mortal dint, Save he who reigns above, none can resist.1840Thirlwall Greece VII. 355 He felt himself unable to resist the attack.1874Green Short Hist. iv. §3. 184 Pardon was freely extended to all who had resisted the invasion.
c. a moral or mental influence or suggestion.
1483Caxton G. de la Tour f iij b, Be ye thenne strong..to resist and ouercome them [temptations].1529More Dyaloge conc. Heresyes i. Wks. 153/2 So muste reason not resyste faithe but walke with her.1577North Gueuara's Diall Pr. 37 The favour that God wil geve you..no man can resist it.1656Jeanes Fuln. Christ 112 His grace..can resist the strongest, and most restlesse temptations.1670Cotton Espernon iii. x. 522 With all these advantages he was not able to resist four words.1717Lady M. W. Montagu Lett. II. 35 The Greeks..resist, with incredible fortitude, the Conviction of their own eyes.1786Burns To unco Guid viii, What's done we partly may compute, But know not what's resisted.1817Keatinge Trav. I. 81 It is hard to resist the surmise that Cæsar's account is drawn up with quite as much regard to effect as to reality.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) V. 33 Those who had never been taught to resist pleasure would be equally at the mercy of those who could.
d. something proposed to be done or likely to happen, a law or command, etc.
1593Shakes. Rich. II, iv. i. 148 It will the wofullest Diuision prove... Preuent it, resist it, and let it not be so.1607Cor. iii. i. 267 He hath resisted Law And therefore Law shall scorne him further Triall.1771Junius Lett. xliv. (1788) 254 If the process of the courts of Westminster⁓hall be resisted.1781Cowper Expost. 540 Thy parliaments..Whate'er was asked, too timid to resist, Comply'd with.1810in Craufurd Gen. Craufurd (1891) 108 This arrangement..had before now been proposed to me, and I had resisted it.1837Dickens Pickw. v, The dismal man,..resisting Mr. Pickwick's invitation to breakfast.., walked slowly away.1844H. H. Wilson Brit. India II. 403 The disinclination of the native Princes to submit to, or their ability to resist, its dictation.
e. a natural force, weakness or disease, etc.
1593Shakes. 3 Hen. VI, iv. iii. 59 It boots not to resist both winde and tide.1596Spenser F.Q. iv. v. 43 Fleshly weaknesse, which no creature may Long time resist.1806Med. Jrnl. XV. 545 A case..where the inoculation was resisted till the twenty-ninth time.
3. To prevent. Const. with inf. or from. Obs.
1500–20Dunbar Poems xxvii. 105 To put this in rememberance, Mycht no man me resist.a1586Sidney Arcadia ii. (1605) 139 Beautifull trees, which resisted the sunnes darts from ouer-much piercing the naturall coldnesse of the River.
4. To repel, affect with distaste. Obs. rare—1.
1608Shakes. Per. ii. iii. 29 These cates resist me, she but thought upon.
5. intr.
a. To stand against, to make opposition to, a person or thing. Obs.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xxii. (Laurence) 16 It has vertu..fore to resyst a-gane fyre-slacht.Ibid. xxxiii. (George) 12 To resyst ay to sathane & to lordis of mykil mycht.c1425Wyntoun Cron. v. xi. 3548 Bot Valentynyane þe emperoure Resistyt ay til his erroure.1483Caxton Cato b ij b, Thou oughtest..to haue strengthe for to resiste ageynst alle aduersytees.1538Starkey England ii. i. 165 Except man wyth cure,..& labur, resyste to the same, they ouer-run reson.1563Mirr. Mag., Blacke Smyth 175 b, That no man should resist agaynst his kyng.1609Bible (Douay) Deut. ix. 2 A great people and tal,..against whom no man is able to resist.1651tr. De-las-Coveras' Don Fenise 274 She forced herselfe to resist against the excesse of her affliction.
b. Without const. To offer resistance.
a1547Surrey Ecclesiastes iv. 31 What can he doo but yeld, that must resist aloone?1582Stanyhurst æneis i. (Arb.) 21 Thee storme dyd conquoure, thee ships scant weaklye resisted.1604Shakes. Oth. i. ii. 80 Lay hold vpon him, if he do resist Subdue him, at his perill.1653Holcroft Procopius, Goth. Wars i. 30 The Horse-men,..having nothing to resist with, are easily shot.1771Junius Lett. lxiii. (1788) 332 That the counsel did not resist, is true.1822Shelley tr. Calderon's Mag. Prodig. iii. 125 How wilt thou then Resist, Justina?a1862Buckle Civiliz. (1873) II. viii. 573 The nation not daring, and what was still worse, not wishing, to resist, gave way.
c. To refuse to do something. Obs. rare—1.
1539Act 31 Hen. VIII, c. 4 In case it happen the Mayer..make defaulte of paymente of the saide recompence & satisfaction, and resiste to paye the same.
6. To stop; to rest. Obs.
c1470Henry Wallace viii. 1090 Bot I rasyst [v.r. desist] throw chargis off our consaill, The southmaist part off Ingland we sall se.1556Aurelio & Isab. (1608) O v, In yowere hande the goode and the ill of the ladies resistethe.
Hence reˈsisted ppl. a.
1713M. Henry Folly Despising Wks. 1853 I. 179/1 The rejected Saviour and the resisted Sanctifier.1753Chambers Cycl. Suppl. s.v. Resistance, When the compression of the fluid is just sufficient to prevent a vacuum behind the resisted body.1842Gwilt Archit. 1024 The resisting and resisted parts are not only contiguous, but cohere.

