
单词 re-enlist
释义 re-enˈlist, v.
Also rein-.
[re- 5 a.]
intr. and trans. To enlist again.
1828–32in Webster.1837Penny Cycl. IX. 443/1 At the end of his time of service a seaman may re-enlist for a like period.1850R. G. Cumming Hunter's Life S. Afr. (1902) 109/1 He declared himself..penitent,..and, expressing a wish again to join the service, I re-enlisted him.1869Pall Mall G. 7 Jan. 1/2 Many men..take the bounty with no other intention than that of deserting in order to re-enlist.
So re-enˈlistment (also attrib.); re-enˈlister, a person who enlists again.
1847in Webster.1866Pall Mall G. 3 Jan., This draw⁓back would be greatly lessened if we could secure re-enlistments in greater numbers.1908Daily Chron. 8 May 8/2 The majority of the re⁓enlisters ‘are the discontented, the thriftless, the criminal class’.1953R. Wells (song-title) Re-enlistment blues.1970Times 28 May 7/7 A source of much resentment is the iniquitous system whereby the Army maintains a high re-enlistment rate.

