ITLCItalian Language Class
ITLCInstant Thin-Layer Chromatography
ITLCInformation Technology Leadership Council (various locations)
ITLCInteractive Technology Literacy Curriculum (Western Illinois University; Macomb, IL)
ITLCInter Technikon Library Committee (South Africa)
ITLCInstitute for Transformative Leaders and Communities (Evanston, IL)
ITLCIllinois Technology and Leadership for Change (Illinois State University)
ITLCInformation Technology & Logistics Council (American Trucking Associations)
ITLCInformation Technology Learning Center (various locations)
ITLCIntegrative Therapy and Learning Center (California)
ITLCInformation Technology Life Cycle
ITLCIntroduction to Leadership Course
ITLCInternational Teaching and Learning Consortium
ITLCInnovation Tripartite Life Cycle (University of Alaska)