EFSMEuropean Financial Stability Mechanism (EU)
EFSMExtended Finite State Machine
EFSMEspace Floral Sylvie Meurlet (French flower retailer)
EFSMEthernet/FDDI Switching Module (3Com)
EFSMEuropean Federation of Societies for Microsurgery
EFSMEuropean Federation of Sports Medicine
EFSMEducation for Shared Ministry
EFSMextended finite-state model
EFSMElectrical Field Signature Method
EFSMEmergency Fire Service Management
EFSMEngineering of Fibrous Smart Materials
EFSMExtended File Synchronisation Module
EFSMEducation Finance Simulation Model
EFSMEuropean Fecal Standards and Measurement (South Park)