CGICommon Gateway Interface (web scripting facility)
CGIComputer-Generated Imagery (movie industry)
CGIClinical Global Impression
CGIClinton Global Initiative
CGIConsulting Group, Inc. (various locations)
CGICan’t Get In
CGICode Général des Impôts (French Tax Code)
CGICreative Group, Inc. (various locations)
CGICenter for Geographic Information
CGIComputer Graphics International (conference)
CGIChamberlain Group, Inc. (est. 1984; Illinois)
CGICapital Group International (various locations)
CGICognitively Guided Instruction
CGICompacted Graphite Iron
CGICommon Gateway Interface
CGICharged Gasoline Injection
CGICell Global Identifier
CGIComputer Graphics Imagery
CGICommon Rail Gasoline Injection
CGIComputer Generated Imagery
CGIColor Graphics Interface
CGIChurch of God, International
CGICorrugated Iron
CGICareer Guide to Industries (book)
CGICoast Guard Institute (Oklahoma City, OK)
CGICalifornia Graduate Institute (est. 1968)
CGICell Genesys, Inc. (California)
CGIComputer Graphics Interface
CGICamp Gan Israel
CGIChief Ground Instructor (aviation; various locations)
CGIConseillers en Gestion et Informatique (French: Information Systems and Management Consultants)
CGICombustible Gas Indicator
CGIConsultative Group for Indonesia
CGICasino & Gaming International (publication; UK)
CGICompuserve Graphics Interchange
CGIClean Gas Induction (emissions reduction technology)
CGICharged Gasoline Injection (Mercedes-Benz)
CGICarbon Graphite Iron
CGICaisse de Garantie Immobilière (French: Guarantee Real Estate Fund)
CGICatholic Guides of Ireland
CGICertificate in General Insurance (accreditation)
CGICape Girardeau, MO, USA - Municipal Airport (Airport Code)
CGICell Global Identification
CGICommercial Grade Item
CGICreative Games International, Inc (Plant City, Florida, USA)
CGIControl Grid Interpolation
CGICDC Games International (CDC Corporation; China)
CGIChief Gunnery Instructor (various locations)
CGICompagnie Générale des Insecticides (French: General Insecticides Company)
CGICyberGamer Invitational (gaming)
CGICentre de Géologie de l'Ingénieur (French: Center of Engineering Geology)
CGIComputer Generated Interface
CGIConsultants to Government and Industry (job sector)
CGICommon Guard Interface
CGICertified Ground Instructor (FAA aviation training)
CGIColumbia Grain International, Inc
CGICommon Grounds Internet Cafe (an Internet Cafe in Buffalo, NY)
CGICorruption and Governance Index
CGICruise Guide Indicator
CGICool Globe Industries (global warming)
CGICommanding General Inspection
CGICenter of Gravity Indicator (helicopter instrument)